UnderTheWire Century

If you aren’t familiar with the famous OverTheWire challenges do check them out. They are fantastic exercises for learning some basic Linux exploitation skills. I recently found out that there was a similar thing for Powershell called UnderTheWire. So I decided to check it out. [Read More]
Tags: underthewire

HackTheBox - Joker Writeup

This is probably the first hard box that I actually enjoyed on HackTheBox. Most of the things clicked and I was able to get through much of it fairly quickly overall. Highly recommend this one. [Read More]
Tags: hackthebox

HackTheBox - Arctic Writeup

I did this box quite some time ago as it was one of the first ones I did when first starting HackTheBox. I recently helped out someone who was working on this box so I decided to reorganize my notes, as they were somewhat of a mess and restructure them... [Read More]
Tags: hackthebox

OSCP Musings

Originally I had a long post about my trials and tribulations pursuing my OSCP. Rather than bore those who are reading with the details I’m just going to give you some tips and things that I think would have been helpful when I started. Because let’s face it, OSCP is... [Read More]

Hello World

Something I’ve been wanting to do for a while is start a blog and actually document things that I’m doing related mainly with InfoSec. As of right now most of my documentation is all in OneNote and I feel like putting it out on a blog will force me to... [Read More]